Friday, 6 March 2015

Wonderful YouTube And Its Astonishing SEO Effects

YouTube, a channel, platform or a place which actually is a place for public communication and known as knowledge seeking site! There are many specialties about this channel. And in this blog we’ll come to know more about it. First of all start with its history.

History of YouTube

It was launched way back in May 2005, but its history began even few months earlier on February 14. Three former employees of Paypal were the founder for this most popular channel. And they were Chad Hurley, Steve Chen & Javed Kareem. Hurley did complete his study in design from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and on the other hand Chen and Javed studied together computer science at University pf Illinois. Its head quarter is situated at San Bruno, Californio.

When YouTube was acquired by whom?

October 9 2006 was the date timing when YouTube was acquired or purchased by the Google for US$1.65 Billion in stock.
Since then has been allowing people to discover anything whatever they want. It also allowing watching videos on various topics which can be just to entertain yourself, for learning requirements and to do some sort of marketing.

Why YouTube?

Well, there are many answers to this question, but the main reason behind it should be note down here; It has been the second largest search engine in the world which can surely make you profit in many ways. Whether it comes to do marketing for your business, marketing for politics or for other activity like; music launch, spreading awareness, spreading knowledge and tips for particular topics, all thing under one on place, YouTube. It is now become the most simple way to get your website rank up higher or to optimize your page, keywords and to get higher revenue.

Facts Which An SEO And New Entrepreneur Should Know About YouTube?

Factors which really affect a YouTube and its visualization are;

1)    Title used to denote video
2)    Description about the content
3)    Transcription which you use in videos

Title: It is one of the main criteria which should be fulfilled in an effectively manner. Try out to use the most eye catchy title with at least one keyword or tag inside it.

Description: It does lay down the factor which is responsible in the success of your video. So, never forget to write description with full of information about the video and the content of the video. Make sure to use proper relevant keywords with each video you upload, alongside it would be even much better if description on 300 to 500 is written.

Tags: 10 tags is the precondition for the best successive result for you uploaded video, though not necessarily recommended. All keywords you mentioned should be similar to your video for ex; “Tourist spot in India”, “Best cheap tourist spot in India”. But shouldn’t be like this for the same video; “Men cardigans”, “Denim Jeans” or “Leather Belt For Baby”


Here transcription means whatever content text used in the video should be used as a transcription. So, while choosing content for your video, makes sure that whatever you mention should be used by Google Bot so, be aware of spamming and copy.

So, what to do in order to get the best utility from YouTube?

Get registered where you can customize your page to mark favorite liked by you, to subscribe, to watch later or to like whatever is liked by you. Along with this upload your video at any time at FREE of cost.